Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Link Salad

Today is a busy day of groceries and household chores. Sounds exciting, amiright?

Today is our one week anniversary of writing every day. It is, so far, a LOT harder than I expected. The writing is easy; finding something to write about? Hard. Very, very hard. As you may have noticed, I've not been doing a very good job lately. So far. >.<

Also, tomorrow is a Disney Date blog day, so I probably won't post on here. You are forewarned.

Anyways, chores day. It goes give one time to think, and time to browse the internet. To that end I present you: Link salad.

Some of what I enjoyed today was this rant on Taylor Swift's Grammy: http://www.autostraddle.com/why-taylor-swift-offends-little-monsters-feminists-and-weirdos-31525/

I love Taylor Swift, I admit it. But Riese makes a valid point (actually, a few of them) and makes them in a highly entertaining way. I'm not going to stop listening to T Swift, because while I care deeply about feminist issues and am  a proud feminist I do need to let my brain turn off sometimes. In TV, Reading, Music, Art- there's a whole lot out there that I enjoy, even if I don't agree with everything they do and sometimes even if I have some serious issues with what they're doing it. But I can't boycott everything I disagree with, because that would be a lonely, sad, and deeply impractical life. I think its incredibly important to live what you believe and I work hard to do my best in that regard everyday, particularly, in my case, in regards to food. But between my food activism, social rights activism, and need to have a life, something has got to give. T Swift music it is.

I also enjoyed this review of a beloved book by Patrick Rothfuss: http://wordwinding.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/722-pages-worth-reading-aloud-even-if-youre-covered-in-small-children/

A fun review to read, which gives just enough to whet your whistle without telling you anything about the story. And it is indeed a fabulous, fabulous book. Go forth and read.

On the darker side of the internet, there was this: http://gawker.com/5953776/unemployment-stories-vol-13-i-dont-know-how-people-can-do-it?utm_source=jezebel.com&utm_medium=recirculation&utm_campaign=recirculation

A series of 'in their own words' short essays from America's unemployed. As an unemployed student, and in regards to yesterdays post, they definitely hit hard and close to home for me.

And, even more devastating: http://mcdonaldfam.blogspot.ca/

I stumbled across this blog looking at a furniture upcycle, and wow. I've almost never walked into heartbreak so innocently. Just a few days after my furniture post the family is psyched, on their way to Disney World thanks to Make A Wish, who is sponsoring their heart troubled daughter. They never make it, and the two weeks following (This happened in early October) are devastating in every sense of the word.

It hurts and it's scary to run across things like this on the internet. Something that I've always wished for was that sense of invincibility which seems to infuse so many people my age, but looking at something like this- to see the world pulled out from underneath your feet- it's almost inconceivable. When life can disappear in the blink of an eye, maybe its better to appreciate each day, to tackle it like you may never get another chance. Because every day, a lot of unsuspecting people don't get another chance.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to send some love to those I love and snuggle up to my fiance. I can't think of a better time to do it.

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